These are just random pics of Guy from movies and just every day

He looks really hot here! (above)
He looks a little creepy, but hot nonetheless! Wouldn't he be good in a vampire movie? He should look just like this, and have fangs! I like guys with fangs! Grrr! This picture also really shows his cheek bones well!
He looks really hot in this picture too!
But I do wish that *krusty person* would get off of him! She was the girl he acted with in Memento, and she wasn't all that good! Mmm'kay? Snap Snap!!! |
Can you say OH MY GOD?
God, this boy just keeps getting hotter and hotter! |
This is funny!
I forget what movie it's form, but god is this funny! He looks weird! And that girl is krusty lookin! |
He looks a little strange, but still hot!
Tom Cruise?
Guy looks ALOT like Tom Criuse in this picure. They definitly have the same lips, and the same eyes. The only thing that is different is the nose. GOD! They even have the same hair style! |
He looks alot like Pierce Brosnan in this pic
And he also looks sort of Alec Baldwin here! And you know what's funny? This one, and the pic above are form the same movie! |
This pic is funny!
It's form Priscilla. This is one of my favorite outfits that Felicia/Adam wears in the movie. I also like the blue feather ones in the end performance and the Victorian ones with the big blue thing at the very end of the performance in Alice Springs. |
I'm trying to figure out what this sped is doing!?
Is like happy to see me, or what? I mean the cowboy hat thing was pushing it, but that guy is just a total sped! |
And this was supposed to be before they were drunk...! YEAH RIGHT!
This is from Priscilla!
Blue is SO his color! Don't you think? |
I have it! I have the FAMOUS boxer-brief picture! I got it courtesy of! Great site! Go see it! Everybody is always looking for this pic, and I have it! Feel free to use it if you want! Just PLEASE give me and credit for it! |
Doesn't he look cute as a nurse?
I wouldn't mind letting him examine me! |