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Priscilla on The Drew Carey Show
The Art of Cheek Bones
More Guy pics
Even more Guy pics
Loose odds-n-ends
This is just a page that I put stuff on, that I didn't have anywhere else to put. So, enjoy the stuff.
Sorry about the line through the picture below. It's not like that on my computer, but unfortunally my computer is acting GAY this week, so bare with me!
This picture is hilarious!
Take the poll and vote on which you like better. Guy as a blonde, or Guy as a brunette. Me, personally, I like him better as a brunette, but that's just me. Decide for yourself!
Take one of my polls! Does Guy look better as a blonde or a brunette? Or, How would you spend one night with Guy?
Does Guy look better as a blonde or a brunette?

How would you spend one night with Guy?

Below is a link to a really good Guy site. Check it out!
But of course, any site about Guy is good! Cause it's about him!
Guy Pearce online!
If I have the below link somewhere on my site already, sorry.
Better as a brunette?
You like your boyz all natural, with no artificial flavoring. (No hair color, no plastic surgery or augmentations...ect... Need I say more?)
Better as a Blonde?
Oh GOD! SEXY BOY! It's still okay to have synthetic hair, but nothing else on him better be fake! (Which I don't think there is, but just in case! You never know!) |