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Priscilla on The Drew Carey Show
The Art of Cheek Bones
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When I first saw Guy
The first time I saw Guy in a movie, I saw him in the Time Machine. It was a remake of the same titled movie from the late 40's/early 50's. Personally, I thought this recent one was beter. The old one was in black+white, but they colorized it and it looked crappy. The second time I saw Guy was in The Adventures Of Priscilla: Queen of the desert. And as you probably know, that movie is about Drag-Queens. It is actually a really good movie. And may I just want to say real quick, Guy looks hot as a Drag-queen! I know it sound nasty, but hey, I think differently. If you asked any of my friends, they would say that I am very *different*! My best friend thinks I'm crazy, but I just think of it as *unique*! :) *~Laura Pearce~* |
The History or Story Behind My Site
I decided to do this site after I had seen Guy in Priscilla twice, L.A. Confidential once, and The Time Machine once. After I saw Priscilla for the first time, I thought to myself, "Who is that guy?" (I didn't know his name at the time, and I thought that was ironic that was his name when I found out!) N-E-Way, I got really interested in him, so I saw L.A. Confidential. In that movie there is a love scene, where Exley (Guy's character) gets with a whore, (litterally in the movie) and it really upset me, but I know that it is just acting. But that still bothers me, ya know? I just don't like the thought of anybody touching or do anything with the guys I like. But like I was saying, they had to edit a part of that scene out because it was *graphic* and disturbing. Well, I don't know that for a fact, but I know they edited some of it out, because I found a picture from part of the deleted scene. That will follow with me and upset me for the rest of my life! (That love scene. Uhh! *shivers in discust* )
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